Friday, January 28, 2011

Little easy first try through

unit and some government nominated charity donations, but finds himself and not clearly know money is going. Then she started online search other measures. On the Internet, there was a strong visibility of the web site called "commonweal organization incubator", it taught them how to construct ngos, including flow, regulations, rules and management methods, and for their initial public organizations provide folk public project support. With these references, small yi and some friends established pony brother foundation as a formal "grassroots NGO is a member of the".

In fact, and small easy to have the same experience is not a few. According to statistics, at present in the ministry of civil affairs and provincial registered charitable class ngos have more than 10 thousand, but because the registered high thresholds, our country "grassroots ngos" far more than the actual number of this number. Although from size on look, they have formed a share not negligible public power, but face huge earthquake donation grassroots ngos ", "they appear to the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak and lack of effective coping ability. "The legitimacy", operating capability is not strong and credibility higher factors also makes public social cannot rest assured donated for them to operate.

So, in addition to "one to one" donation outside, whether people can only choose will money to "official account", by the government undertakes unity allocate? Charity career, "grassroots ngos" and between the government should be PK, or complementary? To this, have long been engaged in the research of institute of tsinghua university ngos king professor vividly flashed out his views: ngos and government is partner relationship, the two complement each other.

767 billion earthquake donation, NGO why no "rule" the right?

Ngos, English "non - government in an abbreviation for", meaning is a non-governmental organization. It is different from the government top-down operation mechanism and differs from that of enterprise's profit properties, referring to independent of government and enterprises of the third force.

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